The following Privacy Policy covers our websites,, which isowned and operated by Project Paper Studio, a body corporate doing business inthe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China(referred to as “a parallel store”, “we”, “us”, or “our”). It is our goal tobring you information tailored to your personal interests but, at the sametime, protect your privacy. Please read the following to learn more about ourprivacy policy.
Byusing the “a parallel store” site, submitting information or using any of ourproducts and/or services, you are agreeing with and accepting the terms and thepractices outlined in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with and acceptthis Privacy Policy, please do not use the “a parallel store” site, provideinformation to us or use our products and/or services.
ThisPrivacy Policy covers “a parallel store” ’s collection and use of any personaldata that we gather when you are on the “a parallel store” site and when youare using our services. Also, this Privacy Policy covers “a parallel store”’suse of any personal data that our business partners may share with us. ThisPrivacy Policy does not cover personal data (if any) that may be collectedelsewhere, including without limitation offline and on other sites linked toand from the “a parallel store” site as well as the practices of third partiesthat “a parallel store” does not control or own, or individuals that “aparallel store” does not employ or manage.
ThisPrivacy Policy may be modified from time to time so check back often. Yourcontinued access of the “a parallel store” site or provision of your personaldata to us or continued use of our products or services (as the case may be)following the posting of changes or revisions to the terms of our PrivacyPolicy will constitute your agreement with and acceptance of the changes orrevisions to the Privacy Policy.
Thankyou for visiting This Privacy Policy is written tobetter explain how we collect and use your personal data. This Privacy Policyis a binding contract and you must agree to it in order to use our services.
The“a parallel store” site generally collects personally identifying information(such as, for example, your name, email address, contact address, phone number,payment information, date of birth, etc.) with your specific knowledge andconsent. This includes but is not limited to when you place orders with us,register for our newsletter and website, and complete a survey. You can choosenot to provide us with certain personal data, but we may not be able to processyour orders, transactions or applications, or you may not be able to takeadvantage of our special features.
Inorder for you to place an order with us, you must provide us your name, e-mailaddress, mailing address, and telephone number etc. If you do not provide therequired personal data to us or if the data provided is inaccurate, we may notbe able to process your order. We will use your personal data to process yourorder and for the purposes as set out in this Privacy Policy, and we will notdisclose any personal data that you provide to us except in accordance with theprovisions of this Privacy Policy.
Ourservers may automatically collect automatic and/or aggregate information aboutyour computer or electronic device when you visit our websites, includingwithout limitation the website that referred you, Internet Protocol (“IP”)address, the type and configuration of the internet browser of your computer orelectronic device, browsing preference such as language settings and font size,geo-location information and operating system of the computer or electronicdevice used for accessing our websites, and other usage and traffic information.“a parallel store” Limited uses this automatic and/or aggregate information toanalyze trends, gather and prepare statistics or demographic information andadminister our websites so that we may provide improved web experiences to ourusers. Such automatic and/or aggregate information is not collected in a mannerthat would identify you personally. We may provide automatic and/or aggregateinformation, which are not personal data, to our partners about how our users,collectively use our websites. We may share this information with our partners,so that they may further understand the usage of their areas and our websites,so that they too can provide you with a better web experience. There may alsobe occasions when we are legally required to disclosure or provide access toour database in order to cooperate with police investigations or other legalproceedings or otherwise comply with any applicable laws or regulations, courtorder or lawful requests from any government authority. In those instances, thedata is provided only for that purpose. For the avoidance of doubt, thisPrivacy Policy in no way restricts or limits our collection and use of suchautomatic and/or aggregate information.
Wemay collect, use, store and provide your personal data for any of the followingpurposes, including:
· To enhance or improve user experience, the “aparallel store” Site and/or our products and/or services, or to facilitate ourperformance of our services or any services offered by “a parallel store”.
· To register, verify, process and maintainyour account on the “a parallel store” site.
· To process, verify, operate, manage,administer and maintain membership programs for our users, including but notlimited to the “a parallel store” VIP Membership Program, “a parallel store”Referral Program, etc.
· To process your orders and/or transactionson the “a parallel store” site and/or for our products and/or services.
· To conduct and process any contests,sweepstakes and/or surveys that we may from time to time organize in relationto the “a parallel store” site, our business, products and/or services, and toannounce the winners of the relevant contests and/or sweepstakes (as the casemay be) on the “a parallel store” site or any other medium/channels as may berequired under the applicable laws.
· To communicate with you aboutchanges/revisions to our Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, our websitesor respond to inquiries.
· To send e-mails and/or other communicationsabout our websites and/or other fashion, cultural content, art, music, designand/or lifestyle products and/or services, related news, or updates for,provided that we have obtained your explicit consent to do so.
· To detect, investigate, identify andprotect against and/or preventing fraudulent transactions and other misuses ofour websites and/or other activities on the “a parallel store” site which mayviolate our Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions or may be illegal.
· To enforce our Terms & Conditions andPrivacy Policy
· To provide third party service provider(s)engaged by us to provide services for or in relation to the “a parallel store”site, to process data on our behalf, to provide information technology support tous and/or conduct maintenance of our servers, data banks and databases,including but not limited to IT contractor(s), website analytic serviceprovider(s), data processor(s) and service provider(s) for database managementsystems.
· To purchaser(s)/assignee(s) as part of anyre-organization, merger, transfer or sale of our business.
· To comply with or as permitted by anyapplicable laws or regulations, court order or lawful request from anygovernment authority.
Ourwebsite uses cookies, as almost all websites do, to help provide you with thebest experience we can. Cookies are small text files that are placed on yourcomputer or mobile phone when you browse websites.
Ourcookies help us:
· Make our website work as you'd expect
· Enable you to login to our members area,forums, and blog
· Remember your settings during and betweenvisits
· Improve the speed/security of our website
· Allow you to share pages with socialnetworks like Facebook and Twitter
· Personalise our website to you to help youget what you need faster
· Continuously improve our website for you
Wedo not use cookies to:
· Collect any personally identifiableinformation (without your express permission)
· Collect any sensitive information (withoutyour express permission)
· Pass personally identifiable data to thirdparties
· You can learn more about all the cookies weuse below, and find out more technical information about what cookies are (or try an Internet search).
· We are providing this additionalinformation about our cookies in compliance with ‘EU cookie law’. See the ICOwebsite for more information.
Ifthe settings on your software that you are using to view our website (your browser)are adjusted to accept cookies, and you continue to use our website, we take itto mean that you accept our usage of cookies.
Notemost Internet browsing software facilities disabling cookies per website, andyou are free to do this, but note that our website will not work as you wouldexpect. For example, you will not be able to register as a member, log in toour members area, forums, or blog.
Variousfunctional elements of our website set cookies. These are to enable you toregister as a member, login to our members area, forums, and blog.
Wedon’t set cookies to collect and personal information without your expresspermission. We don’t use cookies to pass on personally identifiable data tothird parties.
Soyou can easily ‘Like’ or share our content by using the Facebook, Twitter, andother social network buttons we have included on our website.
Eachsocial network button may set its own cookies and you can find out more on therelevant websites.
Theprivacy implications on this will vary from social network to social networkand will be dependent on the privacy settings you have chosen on these networksand websites.
Weuse cookies to compile visitor statistics such as how many people have visitedour website, what type of technology they are using (e.g. Mac or Windows whichhelps to identify when our website isn't working as it should for particulartechnologies), how long they spend on our website, what page they look at etc.This helps us to continuously improve our website. These statistics are allanonymous.
The“a parallel store” site may contain links to third party websites, advertisersor services that are not owned or controlled by us. We have no control over andassume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of anythird party websites, advertisers or services or their use of your personaldata. If you access a third party website from our websites, you do so at yourown risk and you understand that neither this Privacy Policy nor our Terms& Conditions apply to your use of such sites. We would encourage you toreview the privacy policies and terms of use of any third party website,advertisers or service that you visit or use before providing your personaldata to those third parties, and we shall not be liable in relation to youractivities on or with those other third party websites, advertisers orservices.
Withoutprejudice to the provisions in Clause 5 above, we endeavor to do our best toprotect your personal data from being accessed by third parties. However, sincewe may employ outside maintenance personnel or use third party serviceproviders to provide website, information technology and/or data processingservices to us or to host our material, there are third party entities whichmay have custody or access to your information. Because of this, it isnecessary that you permit us to give access to your personal data to such thirdparty entities to the same extent that you authorize us to do so. For greatercertainty, every authorization which you grant to us in this Privacy Policy,you also grant to any third party entities that we may hire, contract, instructor otherwise retain the services of for the purpose of operating, hosting,maintaining, repairing, or otherwise improving or preserving our websites orits underlying files or systems, or for data processing on our behalf, or forproviding information technology support to us, and/or for conductingmaintenance of our servers, data banks and/or databases (as the case may be).To the fullest and maximum extent as is permitted under the applicable laws,you agree not to hold us liable for the actions of any of these third parties,even if we would normally be held vicariously liable for their actions, andthat you must take legal action against them directly should they commit anytort or other actionable wrong against you.
Additionally, we may store your personal data or share them with other thirdparties as set out in Clause 5 for the relevant purposes as set out in thisPrivacy Policy. Please refer to Clause 5 above for further informationregarding our purposes of use and transfer of personal data and the relevantdata transferees that may be involved. Without prejudice to the foregoing, thefollowing is a non-exhaustive list of other entities that we may store, share,or transfer your information with in accordance with the provisions of thisPrivacy Policy:
· Google Analytics
· Google AdSense
· ComScore
· ChartBeat
Whenregistering for a “a parallel store” account, you will be given the option toopt-in to receiving our promotional and direct marketing materials and/orupdates through the “a parallel store” newsletter and the “a parallel store”’s‘new in’ and promotional emails. If you would prefer to opt-out from thesee-mails, you can do so at any time by using the unsubscribe link at the bottomof the e-mail.
Wewill also be using your personal data for our direct marketing. Please refer toClause 5 above for further information regarding the relevant purposes of useof personal data for our direct marketing and the classes of marketing subjectsconcerned. We would use your personal data for direct marketing in accordancewith the provisions of this Privacy Policy, and we will not use or provide yourpersonal data to third parties for direct marketing unless we have obtainedyour explicit or written consent to do so (as the case may be) in accordancewith the requirements of Hong Kong’s Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
Wemay disclose your personal data to a third party to comply with or as permittedby any applicable laws or regulations, court order or lawful request from anygovernment authority. In the event that we receive a subpoena affecting yourprivacy, unless there are any prohibitions/ restrictions under the applicablelaws, we may elect to notify you to give you an opportunity to file a motion toquash the subpoena, or we may attempt to quash it ourselves, but we are notobligated to do either.
Weuse SSL certificates to help secure the “a parallel store” site. However, wemake no representations as to the security or confidentiality of your personaldata. You understand and agree that no transmission of data over the internetis guaranteed to be completely secure. It is in our interest to keep our websitessecure, but we recommend that you use anti-virus software, firewalls, and otherprecautions to protect yourself from security threats.
Weare not located in California, but we do permit California residents to accessour websites and order from us. It is our intent to comply with the CaliforniaBusiness and Professions Code §§ 22575-22579. If you are a California residentyou may request certain information regarding our disclosure of personalinformation to any third parties for their direct marketing purposes. Variousprovisions throughout this Privacy Policy address requirements of the act. Insummary, you must presume that we collect electronic information from allvisitors. You may contact us at with anyquestions.
Wemay amend this Privacy Policy from time to time, and the amended version willbe posted on our website in place of the old version. We will also include thedate that the currently displayed Privacy Policy took effect to help youdetermine whether there have been any changes since you last used the website.The changes in this Privacy Policy become effective as soon as the changes arepublished to the website. If you continue to use the website after the changesbecome effective, it will signify your agreement to be bound by suchmodifications or revisions.
Ifyou do not agree with the revised/updated Privacy Policy, you must immediatelycease using our website and service.
SeveranceIf any provision of this Privacy Policy is held to be invalid or unenforceablefor any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall bedeemed to be severed from this Privacy Policy. Such unenforceability orinvalidity shall not in any way affect the enforceability and/or validity ofthe remaining provisions of this Privacy Policy which shall continue in fullforce and effect.
Anyinquiries about your rights under this Privacy Policy, or any other mattersregarding your privacy, can be directed to You havethe right to request access to and/or correction of your personal data held byus. If you wish to make such request, please contact us by email at info@aparallelstore.comand marking “Attention: Personal Data Access / Correction Request” on yourcorrespondence.
LastUpdated Date: 10 Apr 2020
Weintend to use your personal data for direct marketing as set out in thisPrivacy Policy, however, we cannot so use your personal data without yourconsent or indication of no objection. Should you choose not consent to suchuse of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, please indicate yourobjection by ticking the opt-out box below. You can also inform us throughemail or any written format at any time if you would like us to cease use ofyour personal data for any direct marketing purpose as stated in this PrivacyPolicy. Please note that if you have not checked the below opt-out box toindicate your objections to such direct marketing, but have clicked the belowbutton to confirm you have read, understood, agreed and accepted the above,this constitutes your indication of no objection to our use of your personaldata for direct marketing.